Therefore, it is important that each Oxford House meet these minimum responsibilities in order for its charter to be continued. All Oxford Houses have been careful to avoid undo dependence on government or other outside funds.

By running Oxford House on a democratic basis, members of Oxford House become able to accept the authority of the group because the group is a peer group. Each member has an equal voice in the group and each has an opportunity to relearn responsibility and to accept decisions once they are made. Known today as the creator of Craftsman furniture, made of quarter-sawn white oak in subtle, plain designs, he was much more than a furniture maker. He was a visionary spokesman and proponent for the Arts and Crafts philosophy and a major tastemaker of his era. The dance troupes are traditionally all-male, but there are now also female groups too.

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By the age of 12, young Gustave was employed as a stonemason helping to support the large family. He moved with his mother and some of his siblings to Brandt, Pennsylvania about 1875, and began working at an uncle’s chair factory, where he soon rose to manage it. By 1988, the number of individual Oxford Houses had become so great that it became difficult to have a meeting at which everyone would get a chance to speak. Some longed for the “old days” when there were fewer houses and the combined group of houses were smaller. Others recognized that the success of Oxford House made it clear that there would be more and more houses and there was no turning back the clock.

Gustav Stickley

One of the greatest threats to the sobriety of a recovering alcoholic or drug addict is loneliness. At a time when we acquired a serious desire to stop drinking or using drugs, many of us had lost our families and friends because of our alcoholism and/or drug addiction. Too often, newly recovering alcoholics and drug addicts are faced with the necessity of living alone and of relying solely on contacts with Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous to stay sober.

They practice their craft at other times of year too, but their first shows usually take place in spring, when the weather is warming up a bit. They dance for 11 km through the village and drink a pint of beer in every pub they stop at along the way. The eight dancers dress very strangely, with clogs (wooden shoes), a red and white skirt, black trousers and shirts. They also paint their faces black, which some people don’t like very much, as they say it is racist.

The Stickley Museumat Craftsman Farms

Later that year he launched The Craftsman magazine, with Syracuse University professor Irene Sargent as editor. In the magazine, Sargent first focused on the early work of William Morris and John Ruskin in England. As the magazine matured it broadened its coverage to include homes and home crafts, literature and music, architecture, city planning, social conditions and progressive political issues. Stickley was certainly not a socialist, but he seems to have been interested in some of the concepts, including the Women’s movement and particularly the ideas involving fair treatment of employees. He did try using profit sharing with his employees, but ended the practice in 1904.

  • Gustav Stickley moved back to Syracuse, where his wife was paralyzed by a stroke.
  • With Oxford House there is no need for a recovering individual to live in an environment dominated by loneliness.
  • This was the purpose of the first Oxford House established in 1975, and this purpose is served, day by day, house after house, in each of over 1,200 houses in the United States today.
  • Chapters are important links in the effective democratic system of operation guiding Oxford House as a whole.
  • Oxford House members value the Sixth Tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous (and Narcotics Anonymous) too greatly for themselves to try to get either movement deeply involved in the organizing, financing, or sponsorship of any Oxford House.
  • Oxford House is built on the premise of expanding in order to meet the needs of recovering alcoholics and drug addicts.

The example of Oxford House members going to AA or NA meetings on their own is contagious. The only members who will ever be asked to leave an Oxford House are those who return to drinking, using drugs, or have disruptive behavior, including the TOP 10 BEST Sober Houses in Boston, MA January 2024 nonpayment of rent. No Oxford House can tolerate the use of alcohol or drugs by one of its members because that threatens the sobriety of all of the members. Neither can an Oxford House function if some do not pay their fair share of the costs.

Self-run, Self-supported Recovery Houses

The third factor affecting us both in the rehabilitation facilities and the half-way houses was the realization that the duration of our stay must be limited because space must be made for others in need of help. Those who have benefited from an Oxford House have acquired enthusiasm for the Oxford House concept. In their enthusiasm, they have been anxious to share Oxford House with any recovering alcoholics and drug addicts who want to establish an Oxford House in their community. Oxford House has as its primary goal the provision of housing and rehabilitative support for the alcoholic or drug addict who wants to stop drinking or using and stay stopped. Oxford House, Inc., a non-profit corporation, belongs to the residents of Oxford Houses nationwide.

oxford house traditions

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